Monday, November 22, 2010

Protectosaurs meeting - Tuesday

If you guys aren't familiar, Mio encourage the Protectosaurs to meet up once a week to discuss the latest issues on this webosaurs island. However, this special meeting not just only for Pro's, they are more like Town Hall style meetings for everyone to discuss island business. Everyone has an equal stake in Webosaurs and Mio would love to hear what is on your mind. Here's what going to be discussed this week:
  • Feast Week
And here's the Protectosaurs meeting info:

Where: Dr. Nanosaurus Secret Lab

When: Tuesday, November 23rd – 12:00 WST and 16:00 WST

Server: Prehistoric

New Pros: Rexeruz and Ror

Congratulations to the newest Pros!

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