Monday, October 25, 2010

Webosaurs Blog Entry Competition

Hey all, webosaurs, err, probably Mio throw his very own webosaurs blog entry contest! The prize is YOU become a 1 time author on webosaurs blog (which only can post 1 time), how sick is that? Here's what Mio said from the blog:

"Hey gang, I’m pleased to announce that the Webosaurs Blog is going to be holding a very special Blog Entry Contest! The concept is simple, submit a “blog entry” that you want to be judged and the winner will get to write another blog entry to be featured on the Webosaurs Blog. Essentially the winner will become a one-time author on the Webosaurs Blog, with a final edit by Mio of course. If you’d like to enter, submit your poetry, short story, essay or blog entry as either a comment on this blog entry or on the Forum here. As always, the normal rules of Webosaurs apply: no personal information, no inappropriate content and the submissions must be about Webosaurs! All submissions must be in no later than Thursday, November 4th. Finalists will be judged by their peers on the Webosaurs Forum and the winner will be announced the following week. So put some pens to paper and get cranking on your submissions, I can’t wait to see what you come up with!"

- Mio


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